Charlestown Senior Citizens Inc.

Charlestown, IN
Contact Information

999 Water Street
Charlestown, IN - 47111

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About Charlestown Senior Citizens Inc.

The Mission of the Charlestown Senior Citizen, Inc is to operate and maintain a senior citizen activities center which will serve as a community focal point for programs and services promoting the well being of senior citizens in the Charlestown area. It is a 501 (3 )( c) non-profit organization. The Corporation shall establish and provide a multi-purpose senior resource center, from which services and activities are provided on-site to meet the needs of senior citizens in the Charlestown area regardless of race, creed, religion, national origin, sex, or disability. Activities are planned and coordinate for both education and entertainment for senior citizens, to enhance their healthful enjoyment of living in the community. The programs are designed to assist senior citizens in achieving their individual potential, to maintain their independent living through knowledge and use of preventative and supportive programs, and to facilitate the integration of the Corporation with the total community in ways that will be mutually enriching. Our vision is to be an indispensable asset to seniors and the community.

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